Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cathy Tomm's Workshop - Luminous Diamonds

It was a very busy workshop today and I wish I could say I have a finished project but that isn't the case. What was interesting was to see the process of how a bunch of half square triangles like these:

Can turn into a something like this.
I still need to get more variation in my colour ranges to get the real effect that you can see in Cathy's quilts. Below is a close up section of an orange diamond in her quilt and it starts out with light orange fabric at the top and goes to quite dark at the bottom. Mine aren't quite there yet. I still need to go through more of my stash to see if I have additional fabrics to give me more variation in a particular colour. I suspect that I will have to spend some more time collecting fabric, perhaps doing some trades with other quilters to expand the colour palettes of my fabric stash.

We also got few good tips and tricks that I will post later. They will likely come in handy for the Friday Block Party.


Donna said...

what a wonderful looking workshop! I see your fabric is much like mine -- solidly in the medium value and the stretch to light and dark values is just that a stretch.... With results like that though, it sure looks worth it, and would only require scraps...

Laila said...

Wauv, this look absolute stunning! I wish I could have taken part of the workshop.
Happy Thoughts